I've got a pocket full of.......
does anyone have that song stuck in their heads? I can't stop singing it.
Summer here still has 5 weeks to go.
I've had a summer full of deadline - the entire fiber world seems to love Aug 1 as a deadline :-)
Here are a couple of things that have kept me sane with the kiddos this summer:
Crafts - our house is packed with crafty goodness

This is chalky paint:
1/4 c water
1/4 c corn starch
food coloring
It dries to look like chalk
It makes great body paint, but the blue has to wear off

Technology Tickets
Each kid gets 6 a day. They have to use them for
anything with a screen.
It's totally stopped the summer OD on tv &
the fighting associated with tv, computers, wii, ds..........
Summer here still has 5 weeks to go.
I've had a summer full of deadline - the entire fiber world seems to love Aug 1 as a deadline :-)
Here are a couple of things that have kept me sane with the kiddos this summer:
Crafts - our house is packed with crafty goodness
This is chalky paint:
1/4 c water
1/4 c corn starch
food coloring
It dries to look like chalk
It makes great body paint, but the blue has to wear off
Technology Tickets
Each kid gets 6 a day. They have to use them for
anything with a screen.
It's totally stopped the summer OD on tv &
the fighting associated with tv, computers, wii, ds..........
Oooh - I like the technology ticket idea. Trouble is, my kids would make me subject to using them too...
We only have one week of summer left!
Technology ticket are genius! Not just for summer, either. They'd be excellent for after school time, too!
I love that ticket idea! I'll have to try that next summer. This year, I did room inspection before any gaming, and only cartoons in the morning before my coffee kicks in :) If my son gets to playing video games too long, I make him stop and clean the bathroom. (hee hee - his wife will thank me one day!)
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