I love knitters

I'm walking through the lobby after & a woman says "Are you Jillian Moreno?"
I smile & she says one of my favorite lines
"I'm a knitter". (one of the others, "Beer?")
She's here from Texas for her sister's wedding (she's knitting a blanket & no she didn't bring it to the movie because she's at the assembling stage; she was going to X Files).
We chatted knitting, movies, sweaters in movies, that I knit during the movie. It was great.
Knitters, we need a secret handshake, perhaps like the one above, an all fiber handshake.
Kit does have good sweaters, of the cardigan variety. My moment of bliss came near the end. I'm knitting on a secret project, secretly in the dark, Kit comes on screen wearing a sweater with little arrowhead (it's in BW #1) as the stitch pattern - the same stitch pattern I was knitting. I smiled that knitter's smile of secret pride.
Also, the movie with lovely sweaters, was produced by a knitter, Julia Roberts.
I had an afternoon of zero degrees of knitting separation & never went to yarn store.
Now knitting & the hammock are calling. Beer?
I think I might be wearing latex gloves for that "secret handshake!"
I love the idea of a knitters' secret handshake! Maybe the first knitter could put a fist forward, and the second knitter could pretend it's a ball of yarn and pretend to wind more yarn around it...?
Hehe, that was me! It was very nice to meet you, and your kids are adorable!
Oh, and my sister (sitting right next to me now) is excited her blanket has been mentioned on the www.
a wanna be haiku
love ya
miss ya
on the new book
xoxo your f*tarded friend
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