Vacation food & fiber
We went to Arthur Bryant's in Kansas City - one of the best barbeque places in the country. We had pulled pork, beef & ribs.
Oh, yes.
There was fibering. If you look closely at the back of our packed car, you'll see freshly spun & set yarn drying on the top of our bags. Merino, Spunky Eclectic.
I spun in the car. Used my Bosworth, sat cross legged in my seat & let the spindle drift toward the pile of crap on the car floor. It worked great, i spun 4 oz of BFL (It's Black Bunny)
Pulled pork... OMG.
Did you know in Vegas, there's a place where you can get baked potatoes the size of your head, stuffed with butter, pulled pork, shredded cheese, and green onions?
They are incredible. The queen of assholia agrees.
Love the uterus. What a great gift. ksp`
BURNT ENDS! Kay and I had Arthur Bryant Burnt Ends TWICE IN ONE DAY when we were in Kansas City.
Burnt ends are what happens, apparently, when you barbecue barbecue. It's like twice cooked pork, except SO better.
Wishing you no end of burnt ends . . .
Do you drive a blue station wagon? It's one of those weird demographics. I mean, I don't think that many people drive blue station wagons. Except me and all my friends.
Hey do you have a pattern for that uterus or did you make it up as you went?
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