The Haul - photo heavy

30 knitting magazine & pamphlets from the late 50's - 1972
A treasure of the good & goofy.

Knitted suits on size US#6 needles - 6 sts to the inch.
Note the holy (to me) ruffle on the orange suit,

Boys, boys boys! With manly objects, of course.

I actually like this sweater. But, what I really like is that he's decked out to ski & is standing next to a barbecue in someone's backyard.

Is that a knitting needle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

The knitted bun cover.

Always tuck your sweaters into your pleated dress pants to ski!

Vogue from 1968. Chunky knits were big. Is "Instant Fashion" is the 1968 code for "Quick and Easy"?
Please note the cost of the magazine 75 cents.
I just bought Vogue Knitting - $6.99. WTF? No I didn't look at the price before I checked out & no I wouldn't have bought it, had I seen it.
I've been ranting about the price of knitting magazines (and books) to my near & dear- like they care. But who can afford to knit these days?
Please no speeches or spreadsheets on the cost of producing magazines & books. Who's making the mad cash? Not any designer, knitter or editor that I know.
Sorry, off of the soapbox.

Love, love , love this photo (sweater's cute too). She looks like her girdle is so tight she can't sit up all the way.

That is so badass! and just for the record? I love Eddie Arnold.
I wonder why those two flirty folks are parked in front of a school bus sign?
When my mother in law passed away a couple of years ago, I was blessed with all her old patterns and knitting books. Good for a funny chuckle when life and your current WIP is getting you down!!
Who's making the dough? I'm gonna say the Publisher. Death to the Man, man! The revolution will not be in stockinette!
I LOVE the men with manly objects. I often find my husband with his 2 buddies holding skis, a duck decoy, and golf clubs! Is it just me or does the pointy eyebrow lady get her beauty tips from the Addam's Family??
Okay, I am totally drooling over that haul. That is some excellent stuff!
I love, love, love vintage knitting magazines.
I got some old ones that were my aunt's. Some patterns I recognize (because she made them) and some have little notes regarding who they'd suit or what yarn to use up making it...
But if I don't think there'd be mutiny among the other members of the household, I'd frame some and put them on my wall.
I thought I was the only 'geek' who goes gaga over old knitting magazines... I have one with Pam Dawbner and sparkly yarn.. always good for a laugh!
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