Day 8

We're eating a lot of packaged food from Trader Joe's and watching every Christmas special on tv, more than once.
I'm pretty much going ot bed with the kids ,so not much fiber has been going on here.
I spun my gotland for the LOTR scarf

I managed to find a great deal on the extended version boxed set of all 3 movies. The one that has the Peter Jackson commentary, not the new one. The recipient of this gift pack is going to be one happy guy.
Plus the hunt and the process of this has been a lot of fun.

Working on socks for the girlie and matching ones for her American Girl doll.
There are great AG sock instructions here.
They take about a second.

I decided that a pineapple would make a great colorway

Then there's this.
I've always loved James Bond, but the new thuggy James has me over the moon.
Having an actor that can do more than one emotion makes this Bond more than things blowing up - but the blowing up is good too.
I've always loved the underlying menace that Daniel Craig does so well.
Watch Layer Cake.
He's also going to be Lord Asriel in the Golden Compass.

You're welcome.
5 Comments:, I mean, yum, er, thanks!
I'm so excited! he would be a perfect Lord Asriel!
Although I must admit, I never thought of Lord Asriel as a smoking hottie, but I think I'll adjust.
I should probably add that I've been lurking around your blog for awhile, and I love your designs. You're knitting hero. Best of luck with the rest of your christmas kitting!
Lord Asriel?! Now I REALLY can't wait for the movie. And thanks for the yummy photos.
Love your blog. Delurking to say: AG socks - I think you just saved my sock-knitting mojo for December! And as one mummy I know said to me when I told her the new Bond flick was a goodie, "That Daniel Craig is TASTY..." Mmm hmmm.
I feel your pain over the long business trip. I think it must be over now. Here's hoping you get some long, unintterrupted stretch of time to yourself this weekend to recover!
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