Friday, November 16, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I had an amazing group of women for my Knit to Fit class on Saturday. There was much giggling and groping of boobies, bellies and butts.

Our hosts with the most. We were lucky enough to get to stay chez Rob & Matt. We were all quite silly and laughed ourselves literally to tears, over things that are unprintable.
Also thanks to the boys I am now addicted to The Soup & Project Runway.

We even wore out the dogs with our shenanigans.

Now I have the laryngitis that my children so nicely passed on to me. I'm healing myself by knitting lace swatches of the Dream in Color (Spring Tickle) sock yarn I bought. I want to make a sweater, yes on size US2 - it just has to be done before I die.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Halloween & Laryngitis

Isobel was sick with laryngitis all week & limp on the couch.
She managed to rally & trick or treat to 9 houses before she gave up.
She was a witch (in her first purchased Halloween costume ever), her friend was an evil Pixie Queen.

Dress the boy all in black, give him one glove and a light saber, presto - Luke Skywalker from Empire Strikes Back.
All Jedi dig skittles.
p.s His nose IS orange. He's been eating orange jello without the aid of a spoon.

About the only smile we saw all week. Look at her eyes, poor little sickling.

Can you see why I love him?
We sat around the fire pit and drank beer while handing out candy.

What did we do during laryngitis week?
I taught La Boo to knit continental.
The tongue is important.

Don't you wish you could learn like a kid? It took her exactly 1 episode of Scooby Doo to learn continental.

Alpaca/wool blend from Spunky Eclectic, one of my favorite fiberistas
Can you see the teeth makes on my wheel? They're mine, from being trapped in the house for a week with a sick kid & a 4 year old climbing the walls.