Yup, UP

Just back from 3 blissful days in Gulliver, Michigan (in the UP), vacationing with friends at their family cabin. Friends, music, food, no tv, phone or computers, a lake outside the door & kids that get along.
I did spectacular mindless knitting, socks and homework swatches for Stitches. I even read a book, well it's a kid book but it was 400 pages. Thank you Kate for the high rec of Fly By Night.
We got home yesterday just in time for me to scoot down to see the Harlot speak at our Library. Just as everyone says, she's a hoot. Her unbounded love for knitting is really infectious & I need a shot of that!
Today, I'm taking an extra day away from book and Knitty/Spin duties to clean the house. I'll be having a Frau day. We're all messy & prone to piles in this house, but now piles are starting to run 2 deep. It's time to employ The Black Trashbag. Maybe even gather some toys for giveaway : )