Have you seen the reviews in Knit Simple, Vogue Knitting, Bust &
They are amazing! Looks like it's going to be a hit.
Other signs of Hit Status -
Our publisher, Potter Craft, has already ordered a reprint - before the book is even out.
Potter Craft has asked Amy & I to do a second Big Girl Knits book!
A few Big Girl events, in the Ann Arbor/ Lansing area:
April 27th, Thursday 7pm: Jillian-only book signing at Nicola's Books in Ann Arbor
May 13 Saturday time TBD: Jillian-only apperance & trouble making at the Ann Arbor Book Fair Lifestyles Pavillion,
Shannon " High Priestess" Okey, will be there too. There will be trouble.
May 20, Saturday, 3-6 pm: Big Girl Knits Launch Party! Jillian & AMY!
Threadbear Fiber Arts in Lansing. It will be so much fun, someone might just pee themselves!
Big Girl Knits website will be up & running next week, just in time for our Publication Date - April 18th.
Amy's celebrating our pub date by going to Italy. That girl knows how to party!