You didn't!
Oh, yes I did. I ordered 3 fleeces from Treenway*. They are my first fleeces, so why not go all out? I gave nary a thought to how or where to process them. I just knew - I Must Have!



Gotland sounds familar? You're either a spinner or a geek (or both) becasue Gotland (blended with alpaca) was used to make these:

Lord O' the Rings Elven Cloaks
Next Christmas, there may or may not be, some scarf-y Elven love for a a couple of LOTR fans I know. No, Carla, I am not going to weave them, my loom is quietly and majestically holding, spinning and dyeing supplies. It will be knitted Elven love.
*Treenway imports fleeces from New Zealand (see Amy, I remembered the A this time) each year. To the general joy and delight of spinner in N. America.



Gotland sounds familar? You're either a spinner or a geek (or both) becasue Gotland (blended with alpaca) was used to make these:

Lord O' the Rings Elven Cloaks
Next Christmas, there may or may not be, some scarf-y Elven love for a a couple of LOTR fans I know. No, Carla, I am not going to weave them, my loom is quietly and majestically holding, spinning and dyeing supplies. It will be knitted Elven love.
*Treenway imports fleeces from New Zealand (see Amy, I remembered the A this time) each year. To the general joy and delight of spinner in N. America.