Spinner's Flock meets this Sat at 10am at Beach Middle School Chelsea,MI.
Spinner's Flock is my spinning guild and it is a fantastic thing.
There are lots of members at every meeting and lots bring goodies to sell.
Here are some photos from the June meeting.
We had trouble finding a place to sit becasue there was so much for sale :-)

Here's Beth, what's that on her arm?

Masham lace. Moist much, Beth?
We're collaborating on a project.

Carla's usually there too. This month she'll be in Alaska with her husband.
She's bringing home some qiviut, or else.

One of the best parts of Flock is lunch after. Lots of chat, but we've turned it into a Goal Lunch.Everyone has to say 3 goals for the month out loud, they get written in a little book & then the next month we report.
They can be anything, but we try to have one fun thing & one thing we're dreading to do.
I can report that at the ages of 40+ we all still hate to clean our rooms.

I can't wait for the Olympics to start. I know the politics are f*cked, beyond f*cked. But I look at it for the athletes and the athletes only. I cry when anyone gets a gold medal. Hell, I'm crying at all the commercials that keep showing Kerri Strug sticking that vault with torn ligaments.
It is unbelievable what those athletes do.